Exercise (2.2.20.a): Let G be an abelian group, and a,b \in G. Let m,n be the orders of the groups generated by \langle a \rangle and \langle b \rangle. What can you say about the order of \langle ab \rangle?
We consider the elements generated by \langle ab \rangle:
- 1 (identity).
- ab.
- (ab)^2 = abab. Since the group is commutative, we can reorder like this: aabb = a^2b^2.
- (ab)^k = a^kb^k, more generally.
Therefore, once we reach either (ab)^m or (ab)^n, whichever's the smallest of m and n, we will be left with the rest of the cyclic group generated by a or b. So, we can conclude that the order of \langle ab \rangle is in fact the order of a or b.
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