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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mot del dia (x) — conco

   Scherbatsky left them, and Kitty, going over to an open card table, sat down, took a piece of chalk in her hand and began to trace radiating circles on the new green cloth.
   They resumed the conversation that had gone on at dinner about the freedom and occupations of women. Levin agreed with Darya Alexandrovna's opinion that a girl who did not get married could find feminine work for herself in her family. He supported it by saying that no family can do without a helper, that in every family, poor or rich, there are and must be nannies, hired or from the family.
—Leo Tolstoi, Anna Karenina
(Part Four, XIII)
tr. Pevear & Volokhonski

Això de "una noia que no es casés podria trobar feina femenina [apropiada] dins la mateixa família" m'ha recordat immediatament a conco/conca, paraula que he descobert avui:
conco -a¹
[1839; alteració popular o infantil de onclo, variant de oncle]
1 adj i m i f Fadrí o fadrina vells, que generalment romanen a la casa pairal governada pel germà hereu.
conco -a: entrada al GDLC]

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